Home H.E.L.P. Project > Contact us

You wish to join us in our action, you want more details on a subject, you want to send your donations to us: do not hesitate to contact us. We will try to answer you the most promptly possible

(be indulgent H.E.L.P. International works only thanks to its volunteer...)


To write to us: H.E.L.P. INTERNATIONAL - Contact courrier - chez Mme Sylvie Dily, 77 rue des aqueducs 69 005 Lyon

To contact us by electronic mail: contact

You wish to adhere or sponsor a chimpanzee: visit the Act together  section

This very complete section will give you many concrete information to act: consult it before contacting us, because many of your letters refer to there.

Thank you in advance for your interest in our action

© H.E.L.P. International - 2006 // last update 22/02/2007