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Two NGOs in partnership

The H.E.L.P. Project (for Habitat Ecologique et Liberté des Primates), those two partners work together : one NGO, created in 1990 in the Republic of Congo (Congo-Brazzaville), H.E.L.P. Congo and a french association created in 2000, H.E.L.P. International. Our field of action is the protection of the primates, in particular chimpanzee, as well as there living conditions. The actions took place in Republic of Congo.

The basis of our actions
The biodiversity is threatened today everywhere on the sphere. Thousands of vegetables and animals species disappear (about 70 per day according to E.O. Wilson, of Harvard), even sometimes before having being described or studied. With the current rate of deforestation, 90% of the grand chimp habitat will be destroyed in 2030, leading to their disappearence. For many specialists, in 20 years it will be too late to act ! chimpanzee in a cage
Beyond those facts, it is all the human populations that are also threatened. If Homo sapiens is an exceptional species in more than one way, it belongs nevertheless to the order of the primates. Man and chimpanzee share 98.4% of their genetic profile and the 1.6 % remaining return to us responsible for the future of this "cousin".
The vocation of the H.E.L.P Project. is to act for the conservation of the primaes, their habitat and everything that ensure the balance of it. In order to succed, you need to protect the nature and in the same time to sensitive men. Making men aware of their responsabilities is an integral part of the vocation of the H.E.L.P Project…

Two strong topics of actions, several programs

In order to reach his goal to help the protection of the primates, the H.E.L.P. Project has defined two topics of actions : "Primates in the wild", " A viable  ecological habitat for the primates", each topics have their own programs but connected by a "Sensitization" part always in proress.
Ø The part "Primates in the wild" gather three programs, in the heart of the H.E.L.P. Project ince the begining :
      · welcoming chimpanzee most orphans, started since 1990.
      · The Reintroduction in natural environment, initiated in 1996 ; 10 years later, the positive results obtained by the H.E.L.P. Project gain widespread acceptance : not only we study a new project of  setting free but other NOG seek to follow our example.
      · Antipoaching ; since 1990 actions are carried out to this level in support with the Congolese authorities.
Ø The part "An ecological habitat for the primates" has seen its programs devoloping especially since 2000, with :
      · The creation of a plantation experimental with an aim of studying certain methods to help with the reafforestation.
         · The initialization of scientific studies on the ecosystem-habitat of the primates, in collaboration with structures of research.

A close cooperation, complementary activities
The H.E.L.P. Project rests on a close cooperation between its two structures, signatories of a contract of partnership. Each structure has specific but complementary activities ;
Ø H.E.L.P. Congo takes the actions on the ground, in the Republic of Congo : the reception of chimpanzees, their reintroduction in natural environment and the scientific follow-up of their adaptation, the antipoaching, sensitization, the development of knowledge on the habitat of the primates... 
Ø H.E.L.P. International is charged to ensure a technical, scientific, logistic and financial support to H.E.L.P. Congo, the media relay outside the  Republic of Congo or to work in the future of the Project through the design of new programs or the search for partnerships.

© H.E.L.P. International - 2006 // last update 22/02/2007